Related Opportunities
Volunteer Admin - Nafsiyat Intercutural Therapy Centre
City Volunteering
Min. 12 Weeks Minimum weeks

Volunteer Admin - Nafsiyat Intercutural Therapy Centre
Mental Health, Refugees
Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre stands as a beacon of hope and healing, borne out of a deep-seated commitment to addressing the mental health needs of North London's Black, African, Asian, minoritised ethnic and refugee communities.
Volunteer HR - Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre
City Volunteering
Min. 12 Weeks Minimum weeks

Volunteer HR - Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre
Mental Health, Refugees
Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre stands as a beacon of hope and healing, borne out of a deep-seated commitment to addressing the mental health needs of North London's Black, African, Asian, minoritised ethnic and refugee communities.
Be Active - Physio Support volunteer
Open Age
Min. 2 Weeks Minimum weeks

Be Active - Physio Support volunteer
Disability, Health, Mental Health, Older People
Be Active is a programme where volunteers are matched one-to-one with a 60+ adult to support their rehabilitation exercises at home and in the community for up to 9 sessions.