"It's hard to believe, but you can save a life from the comfort of your home", City students reflect on their volunteering with Shout
We spoke to three City students who all volunteered on the Shout texting service whilst studying at City. Here's what they had to say.

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Trainee adviser - Citizens Advice East End
City Volunteering
Min. 52 Weeks Minimum weeks
Trainee adviser - Citizens Advice East End
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Citizens Advice East End encourages opportunities for volunteering from the diverse local community. We recognise the value of a wide range of skills and experiences and believe that they enhance our team.

Evening Service Volunteer
Headway East London
Min. 16 Weeks Minimum weeks
Evening Service Volunteer
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Help deliver our programme of activities, offering support 1-to-1 or in small groups.

Day Service Volunteer
Headway East London
Min. 16 Weeks Minimum weeks
Day Service Volunteer
Disability, Social Care

Help deliver our programme of activities, offering support 1-to-1 or in small groups

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