Age UK Lambeth
Our mission is to support older people in Lambeth to live enriched, productive and purposeful lives but challenging the stigma of ageing, reducing social isolation and ensuring they get the right support at the right time.

Age UK Lambeth is an independent local charity that has worked in the community to help older people, their families and carers for over 70 years. We have dedicated staff and amazing volunteers helping us to deliver services and activities for older people in Lambeth. 


Our society is changing. And our society’s approach to ageing is changing, too. We have to keep up. There is a generation of people in their fifties and sixties who are still working full time, many of whom have adult children still living at home and elderly parents needing care. There has been an increase in unemployment for those over the age of 50. Acute feelings of loneliness and isolation are not necessarily age-related, especially in a big city like London, and a busy borough like Lambeth. These issues challenge us to think differently. And we’re confident that changed thinking will lead to the development of key services and improvement for residents in the borough of Lambeth. 

Our Opportunities

Hospital Discharge Volunteer
Age UK Lambeth
Min. 4 Weeks Minimum weeks
Hospital Discharge Volunteer
Health, Older People

Patients can find leaving the hospital challenging, especially for those who live alone or lack immediate support. This role is to support patients transitioning from hospital to home, ensuring their discharge is safe, smooth, and successful.