Brent Carers’ Centre is an independent Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee.
We currently have over 7,000 carers registered with us, with the numbers growing every quarter.
It is estimated that in the borough of Brent there are over 31,000 carers.
- There are around 7 million Carers in the UK – that is 1 in 10 people and rising
- 3 in 5 people will be Carers at some point in their lives in the UK
- Out of the UK’s Carers, approx. 42% of Carers are men and 58% are women
- The economic value of the contribution made by Carers in the UK is £132bn a year, almost equivalent to the cost of the entire NHS in the UK
- By 2030, the number of Carers will increase by 3.4 million (around 60%).
A healthy supported network of Carers will be a great help to our struggling NHS, Emergency & Support Services.
Raising awareness and encouraging a healthy sense of responsibility by promoting Volunteering will help to promote a sense of social responsibility, which is the backbone of any healthy nation.
We are looking for Interesting, Creative, Supportive volunteers who will engage with our Unpaid Carers, share their hobbies and introduce them to new and intersting activities that would enhance their mental health and wellbieng,m as well as encourage them to engage in Social activities outside of their Caring roles.
Brent Carers Centre delivers a holistic range of support services to address the social, emotional and financial issues that carers experience.
Our Opportunities

How would you help to promote Brent Carers Centre on Social Media? How would you help to bring awareness of our Carers Service to Unpaid Carers across Brent? How would you keep our Social Media pages regularly updated?

We are now currently recruiting volunteers for a 2-year NHS Pilot Health Program for outpatients attending Hospital, for the London Borough of Brent. We will be supporting the NHS to reduce DNA (do not attend) patients undergoing Hospital Treatment

Brent Carers Centre is looking for Social Media Volunteers to help raise public awareness about the work we do in supporting our Unpaid Carers in the most culturally diverse Borough in the whole of the U.K, the London Borough of Brent.