Provide general support and advice face-to-face in our Leicester Square centre. You might be asked for help to access universal credit or other benefits, apply for travel documents, register with a GP, help someone to understand official documents from the local council, help to contact council departments.
You will meet people from many different backgrounds.
You'll be part of a great team of staff and volunteers.
You will help those most vulnerable who often find it challenging when dealing with authorities and understanding how things work in a new country.
You will learn more about the lives of refugees in the UK.
You will find out more about the asylum system (through our in-house training sessions)
If you are interested, you may wish to find out more about becoming an OISC immigration adviser with our support.
Excellent IT skills and the ability to quickly find information.
Good communication skills and a personable nature.
French speaking is desirable as many of our clients are from french-speaking African countries.
Other community languages are always welcome.
Reliability and able to attend at least one session every two weeks.
A commitment to helping vulnerable people.
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